Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Victoria Lyme Awareness and Support Group Sunday, Oct. 28 6 to 8 pm, Four Mile Bar & Grill - Tea Room, 199 Island Highway ,Victoria , BC

A reminder of the upcoming meeting of the Victoria Lyme Awareness and Support Group Sunday, Oct. 28 6 to 8 pm. See below for the agenda and lots of useful information. Note that some items may be carried forward to the next meeting to ensure that we have time to express and address concerns and questions at the end of the meeting.
Location: Four Mile Bar & Grill - Tea Room, 199 Island Highway ,Victoria , BC 250-479-2514 
Ask for the TEA room, which is reserved under "Victoria Lyme". If you are having dinner, be prepared to order right away. Remember we are welcome regardless of whether we order food. You can find the menu at http://www.fourmilehouse.com/restaurant_menu.html. Note there are gluten free options.

Victoria Lyme Support Group Agenda for Oct. 28, 2012

INTRODUCTIONS. Welcome message. (20 min) 
First time attendees may use this time to have any issues and concerns addressed before moving on through agenda.

Liisa  is stepping down as co-chairperson and secretary.  A big thank you to Liisa…the Group has been very fortunate to benefit from Liisa’s knowledge and caring support. Merina  has kindly stepped forward to take on this role – Welcome Merina!!

UPDATES (10 min)
1. Complex Chronic Disease Center – CCDC (Dave) Referred to as the Lyme Clinic on previous agendas.

2. Elizabeth May National Lyme Strategy bill. (Dave) Voting will take place MAYBE early 2013. Track the bill's progress on this link: http://www.parl.gc.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&billId=5688264

3. Webpage for our Support Group. http://victorialymegroup.blogspot.ca/
The group has voted and the new URL is lymevi.ca which will include our blog (replacing the above URL) for the group and other relevant lyme info we choose to put on it. (Lisa R)


4. Lyme Support Library. This Library can give you the chance to read a book and decide if you would like to purchase for your own personal use, or save your money. Is there any book that anyone would like to see in the library? $10 to join the library, one book out at a time, to be returned at next meeting.
Currently in circulation:
  • Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease (2 copies) NEW
  • The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments
  • What does the Bible really teach?
  • Good News from God
  • It's All in Your Head - Around the World in 80 Lyme Patient Stories

5. World Health Organization (WHO): Take action on Tick-Borne Diseases! www.change.org (Merina)
Tick-Borne Diseases are a hidden epidemic despite the fact that cases have been documented in just about every part of the world. Here is the link for anyone who wants to sign the petition that is to be delivered to WHO: https://www.change.org/petitions/world-health-organization-who-take-action-on-tick-borne-diseases


6. Where does Liisa Jackson get all the info that she shares at the meetings? The following are some very helpful resources that you can access/or sign up for:
A) Sign up at the following website to receive very interesting and informative newsletters into your inbox: http://goodbyelyme.com/. Here is the subscribe  page: http://twofrogscenter.com/lyme_subscribe.html
B) Stephen Buhner’s Healing Lyme website has a great search feature if you are looking for information on herbs to treat Lyme/Co-infections/Immune Support, etc.  http://buhnerhealinglyme.com/. You can sign up for the email newsletter where new Q&A’s from the forum are emailed to your inbox.
C) Jenna’s Lyme Blog, also has a newsletter that you can sign up for:  http://lymediseaseresource.com/wordpress/
D)  Some Facebook groups that you can join and that have valuable information are:
Canadian Lyme Group, Lyme Disease Diets & Recipes! ©2012, Lyme Disease Awareness, and Lyme Crimes
E)  Some from our group have found valuable helpful resources and support from this website: http://www.roadback.org/
F) The ILADS website is full of resources and information: http://www.ilads.org/index.html

7. The following is a research study done by J.Sperling and others) published this year about Lyme Borreliosis in Canada  (Merina). http://benthamscience.com/open/toneuj/articles/V006/SI0078TONEUJ/94TONEUJ.pdf

8. Stephen Buhner is a well known herbalist and author, devoting much time to helping others recover from Lyme and Co-infections as naturally as possible.  On this website advertising a workshop Stephen Buhner is doing it tells us that he is working on three new books: http://www.gaianstudies.org/Stephen_LymeWkshp.html
Here is the excerpt from the above page: “Stephen is in the process of completing three new books on lyme and its coinfections. The first Healing Lyme Coinfections: Mycoplasma and Bartonella (350 pages, Healing Arts Press) will be released just prior to the event (April 2013). The second, Healing Lyme Coinfections: Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma will be released in 2014 and the massive updating of the original Healing Lyme book will follow.”
Here is another excerpt from the above website where Stephen says: “Herbal Antibiotics, the second edition is out. However, the publishers did not like the length of the book and asked me to cut the herbal antiviral chapter and turn it into a book in its own right. That book: Herbal Antivirals: Natural Treatments for Emerging and Resistant Viral Infections (Including Influenza, SARS, and Encephalitis Viral Infections) is due out from Storey books in July of 2013. It is about 500 pages in length and is very detailed. The first coinfection book: Healing Lyme Coinfections: Mycoplasma and Bartonella is due out from Inner Traditions in April of 2013. It is about 600 pages in length, very detailed, and preorders are now being taken at amazon.com.”
Very exciting news indeed. I (Liisa J.) personally look forward to all three of these books.  

9.  From a Facebook user: Dr Burrascano writes: Despite antibiotic treatments, patients will NOT return to normal unless they exercise! This is because in most cases the chronic Lyme patient is deconditioned. More importantly, a properly executed exercise program becomes part of the treatment, as it can actually go beyond the antibiotics in helping to clear the symptoms and to maintain a remission. From Dr. Burrascano's new information on treating Lyme.
He goes on to say that Lyme bacteria hate two things; oxygen, and heat. He recommends saunas and getting your blood pressure to 134 when exercising as well as lifting weights. Obviously, if you can!!!

10. Dr. McKinney is excited about working with the following Dr., and he mentioned that he may be open to coming and explaining his protocol to the group: http://www.drceaser.com/therapies/oxygenozone-therapy. Apparently he is having good success with using this therapy to treat Lyme patients.  It is expensive though.

And here is where you can purchase the Rizol’s from page 7 of the treatment: http://www.naturepurenutrition.com/rizol-oils.html, http://www.retailbiopure.com/Rizol-Oils/

12. Health Canada’s 2012 Newsletter is about lyme disease test kits and their limitations.  This is the link to the newswire release: http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/1046119/health-canada-note-to-editors
The link to the complete alert from Health Canada is now dead, not sure why, but I do have a hard copy of the alert that I received over email that will be available to read at the meeting.  One part of the alert says that the two-tiered testing approach can be less than optimal.

13. In the News: Dr. Mercola’s cover story in a recent email newsletter was about the Lyme Epidemic. This is a super article to share with friends/family who want to understand more about the scope of the illness, etc: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/10/13/under-our-skin-documentary.aspx?e_cid=20121013_DNL_art_1

At this link you can be lead to answers on many subjects. As lyme sufferers we may wonder how God fits into all of this injustice, is he the cause, why does he allow it, will suffering ever end on this earth?  As this is my last agenda I will be doing for the group I wanted to share my hope from the Bible (the same Bible that you have).  Hope is vital to any who suffer with chronic illness, so may you find comfort as I have from the Bible’s message for the future.

INFORMAL DISCUSSION (information sharing, support, orientation for newcomers, questions, ideas for upcoming meetings)

Next meeting: November 25, 2012 6:00-8:00pm Four Mile Restaurant