There's no formal presentation this month, so we will focus on support and discussions.
Meetings are held on the fourth Sunday of each month. Contact us at for location, directions and information. Coffee and tea are provided free of charge. Snacks to share are always appreciated.
Please let us know if there is anything you would like us to add to the agenda (news, discussion topic, etc)
Welcome message to new members. This part of our meetings is for members to introduce themselves, to share their concerns and ask questions.
2:45 pm to 3:30 pm NEW ITEMS and UPDATES
1. Meeting with Your MLA - if you haven't already done so, please make an effort to set up an appointment with your MLA to share your experiences with Lyme disease, and to ask for a commitment from them to address the issues that we face. If you're unable to meet, please consider sending them an email. (See our previous email/post dated July 11)
2. Informal Meeting - in Langford, Sunday, September 14th from 1 to 3 p.m. Contact for location. OK to order either a drink or a meal.
New Items
1. Tick tests from Janet Sperling - Due to the new costs involved in tick identification ($30) and testing for ticks ($35) from veterinarians, Janet Sperling has sent us some more tick collection vials, complete with prepaid envelopes to mail live ticks. She is doing research on ticks in Canada and would be happy to receive live ticks that you find on your dog, in the environment, or crawling on you (ticks cannot be feeding on you - those must go to the BC CDC). Please pick up a few kits for your veterinarian.
2. T-shirts - we have a new order of our Let's Talk About Lyme t-shirts in. Price is $10 each.
3. Sequel to "Under our Skin" - is available for ordering on August 20th. We will order 1 community use video and 10 regular DVDs. One of the 10 will be for our library, one is for Parksville. The other 8 will be for sale to members. We should know the price by our August 24 meeting and will take pre-orders. We expect it will be around $25 if the pricing is similar to the pricing of the original version, and our price should be a few dollars less than if you were to order one separately. We are looking at dates, venues and speakers for a public viewing in November.
4. Suggestions for future presentations
Lyme Support Library
Our group purchases and loans out books and DVDs on Lyme and co-infections. Cost to join our library is $10. Items can be borrowed for one month. Please be courteous and return borrowed books on time. Book donations are always appreciated. Please let us know if there are any books/DVDs that you would like us to order.
Our Facebook group for people with Lyme disease on Vancouver Island is a great way to keep up to date on news and connect with others. Log into Facebook, search for the Vancouver Island Lyme Group, and ask to join. The group is private – others can see who the members are, but only members can post and read posts, invite, and approve new members.
INFORMAL MEETING: Sunday, September 14, 2014
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Sunday, September 28th, 2014
Keep up with the latest Lyme news: